Who We Are

Welcome to our Ark! Here we are a family united by our unwavering commitment to helping animals in need. We offer a lifeline to animals who have been abandoned, abused, or forgotten. Every day, our team of compassionate volunteers work tirelessly to rehabilitate and rehome our wonderful animals. Our mission is simple yet profound: to strive to create a world where every animal is cherished, respected, and loved.

We were able to raise enough money to house dogs in need in Romania. Some have already been adopted or fostered. Some need rehabilitation, as their trauma is so embedded. We can take them from misery and offer them safety, enrichment and hope.

But we can do so much more! We can be so much more. Help us to grow and change more lives forever. We have the skill if you have the resources. Help us to go and pick dogs like these two up who are still waiting for us. This winter won’t be kind to them. Believe in us and push us forward. Save lives, two at a time!


We make regular trips to Bulgaria, where we feed stray dogs and are currently designing cat houses to offer cats safety and protection as winter sets in. This is all only achievable via donations and we aim to show how you can help, whether that is by donating to valuable projects or offering a home to a dog or cat, volunteering your time or sponsoring a dog. You have come to the right place if you want to make a difference.

Your donation instantly saves or improves a life.

Feeding Dogs in Bulgaria and Protecting the Cats.

We have been active in saving many dogs’ lives both in the U.K. and abroad, building safe shelters in Romania and matching dogs and cats with their forever homes. To that end, there remains a high number of dogs struggling in crowded kennels or on fields, on the streets, who might need individualised care. They might be disabled, elderly or scared and we seek to have our own U.K. sanctuary, where dogs and cats can escape harsh winters and unsafe environments. We are also aware that U.K. rescue centres are in crisis and so we can open our doors to help with that.

Saving many dogs’ lives


In Romania, since the 1980’s the failure of the national government’s lack of spay and neuter and vaccination legislation led to an unprecedented amount of stray dogs being targeted on the streets and tortured in public shelters.

We have given dogs access to spay and neuter campaigns and vaccination programmes. They don’t live healthy lives and it’s up to us to offer protection from disease and sickness.

In the U.K. with a national housing crisis and a squeeze on people’s income dogs and cats are finding themselves being given up to rescue organisations that are at a crisis point.

Not only that but puppy mills continue to be a big cause of suffering and misery. We will be able to help organisations like the Battersea, RSPCA and many more and be ready to welcome, heal and rehabilitate so many of them. They need help today.

United Kingdom


Situated immediately below Romania, across the Danube, sits Bulgaria.  A country we will be expanding our rescue efforts into.  The  number of stray cats and dogs is clear.  We are there this week feeding the strays, but lets do more. Let’s save them - one by one.

Penny’s Ark aims to provide another solution in regard to housing cats and dogs until their forever homes are found. Some however will never be that fortunate - we need our U.K. Sanctuary for this purpose and each penny gets us a step further. I’m sure we are all aware that when a war breaks out it is the people and animals who are killed, maimed, and displaced. It is vital that we do something.

Penny’s Ark is embarking on a smaller UK project where we need a warehouse or storage facility so we can gather much-needed children’s clothes, toys, dog and cat food and ship these off to where they are needed most. We already send clothes over to Romania to help those in poverty, but we think we can do more in Europe and the U.K.  on a bigger scale. 

If you can provide resources for this please let us know. One click of the donate button can get us closer.

Helping each one until there are none.