Sex - Female
Age - 6 - 8 years approximately
Size - Small 8kg
Temperament - Beautiful Grace is a really wonderful little dog who is both good with dogs and cats, however she isn’t shy and will happily be a single dog. She will tell a dog off if they are invading her space, but never the less she has a lovely nature. She is very friendly and loving with people. She is a very calm dog and is very cuddly. She loves people, attention, and cuddles! She isn’t interested in other dogs, just the people and food. She keeps an eye on the kitchen units and if there is a dog she can hoist herself up by she will. She is so cute and funny and we all love her. She is enjoying the comforts of a home and adapted immediately. We feel she has lived in a home before. She sleeps quietly like a mouse at night. In a morning she is so happy to see a human and races to greet them in a goofy fun way, that can put a smile on anyone’s face. She is funny with her little ways. We would like her to have someone around most of the time who can give her the fuss she loves. Don’t be put off by her age, she is very young at heart🥰.
Grace walks nicely on a harness and lead, but prefers the warmth and comfort of a home and not a fan of outdoors when the weather is bad just yet .
Health - Vaccinated and healthy.
Residence - Foster home in the UK Southport
If anyone can open their home and hearts to Grace please send an email to or message us via our Facebook.